Welcome to the Website of the vetVIP project.
On 1st Oct 2012 project entitled “Use of virtual problems/virtual patients in veterinary basic sciences” funded by the EU started in 4 partner organisations:
- University of Life Sciences in Lublin (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) (faculty: www.up.lublin.pl/weterynaria/, biochemistry:www.biochfiz.up.lublin.pl/bioch/)
- University of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover Department of Physiological Chemistry (www.biochemie-hannover.de) E-Learning Department www.tiho-hannover.de/studium-lehre/el/ and Competence Centre for E-Learning, Didactics and Educational Research in Veterinary Medicine www.keldat.org
- Szent Istvan University in Budapest (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) (Faculty: www.univet.hu, Department of Physiology and Biochemistry: www.vetphysiol.hu)
- Instruct AG in Munich/Germany
Latest News: (please see our VetVIP Blog)
31st May 2024: VetVIP at 37th EAEVE General Assembly – Educational Day – 31st May 2024 in Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d`Alfort
Final Results
Within the time of project 30 interdisciplinary cases were created. They were evaluated and 15 cases reached the user group in partner institutions. Currently, the remaining 15 cases are also available to students and the results of usability and student satisfaction level as well as learning success will be assessed.
New pedagogic concept applied focused on the integration of practical and theoretical knowledge in order to boost the motivation of students, their insight in complexity of veterinary sciences as well as to improve their cognitive skills, such as logical, diagnostic and clinical reasoning.
Assessment of the learning success and students’ satisfaction level were done through pre and post test as well as surveys. Preliminary results were presented during international conferences (AMEE, VetEd, FEPS) while a detailed statistical analysis of the usefulness of virtual problems for teaching basic sciences will be published within coming months.
Statistical analysis of numbers of students invited to programme and participated in it showed that more than 70% of students used cases. It reflects the level of interest in new didactic tools.
The analysis of results of pre and post test showed that the number of positive answers increased after completing 15 cases. Moreover, the number of answers „I do not know” dropped down significantly.
The survey evaluating satisfaction level of students covered several questions related to their interest and usefulness of cases. The range of assessment of particular questions was between 1 (bad) and 5 (excellent). Mean values ranged between 4 and 5.
Both team members as well as teachers involved in the project as authors gained new skills in didactics and increased their pedagogic qualifications.
The implementation of the Project already positively influenced the quality of veterinary education and its accessibility to graduate students through the inclusion of practical information about instruction techniques in partner institutions.
The authors of the project assume that the use of the developed materials by the students will significantly improve the efficiency of acquiring knowledge during their studies and facilitate the resolution of specific problems in their work. More widespread dissemination of project results is also planned by making them available to students of other national and European faculties.
With the support of the "ERASMUS LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME" of the European Union
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.